1. If you are interested in writing a book review for CFPJ, we would be happy to receive your submission. Please contact Jean-Christophe Boucher at: Jean-Christophe.Boucher@macewan.ca.
In preparing the review we would be grateful if you would adhere to these guidelines:
2. Book reviews should be 800 to 1500 words. Please include the word count at the top of the page.
3. The heading for the review should follow the format below:
- Title
- Author(s)/Editor(s)
- City: Publisher, Date of Publication, Number of Pages, ISBN Number, and Price of Book
4. Please submit your book review to CFPJ at: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rcfp.
- Sign in if you are already a registered user. If not, follow the steps to create an account
- Select “Author Centre” and on the next page, under “Author Resources” on the right hand side of the box choose “click here to submit a new manuscript”
- Under “Manuscript Type” select “Book Review” from the drop-down menu
5. When writing your review please keep in mind the purpose of the review, which is to provide basic information about the book and, more importantly, to evaluate it. Provide a short summary of the book’s contents and context. This should include the volume’s main goal and the way in which the author(s) develops the arguments. Please also indicate the book’s main conclusions. This information should comprise no more than half of the review content. Please then assess whether the author meets the goal(s) as set out, the cogency of the analysis, and whether there are perspectives on the issue not considered.
6. Please do not quote long passages from the book you are reviewing. If you do use a quotation please follow the style information for CFPJ under the “Authors and Submissions” tab on the left hand side of the page (Instructions for Authors) at: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcfp20/current.
7. CFPJ reserves the right to edit reviews.
8. We would appreciate receiving your book review within two months of receipt of the book. Please include a short biography at the end of the review.
9. We will send you a copy of the CFPJ issue in which your review appears. Two copies of the review will be sent to the publisher of the book. You may keep the book which you review.