TikTok is transparent about the data it collects. Additionally, China itself has banned Facebook, Google, Twitter and TikTok. So, is TikTok really a problem? And is it a national security problem for Canada?
The Star Wars Prequels give us food for thought, and shows us what could potentially happen if we disregard genuine diplomacy and rely solely on hypocrisy, intimidation, use of military force, and targeted measures that only seem to do more harm than good.
The debate surrounding Bill C-11, the Online Streaming Act, has highlighted the need for the Canadian government’s involvement in addressing the internet’s impact on various areas of Canadian society.
In Hong Kong, authorities are clamping down on symbols of resistance. However, with growing media attention, digitization, and an emboldened population, such censorship efforts have proven to be fruitless.
Examining the current state of diversity within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), along with the benefits that a targeted increase in diversity could bring to the institution. Looking specifically at the hiring and recruitment practices within the CAF, the author discusses the potential that improvement in these areas could bring to organizational effectiveness and Canada’s leadership reputation on the world stage.
A critical light is shed on Canadian multiculturalism as a concept and policy. The exclusion of Indigenous peoples in Canada is examined to build critique against what multiculturalism conveniently disregards. Finally, the rise of far-right groups and its implications on multiculturalism are explored.
Discussions concerning security need to incorporate an intersectional and gendered analysis in order to fully capture the diverse experiences of individuals within the security realm.
Viewers of the show should understand the broader context of religious orthodoxy, and ensure that it doesn't exclusively frame their ideas of orthodoxy.