Guidelines for Thematic Issue Proposals

Editor: David Carment

Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (CFPJ) publishes thematic issues regularly. The theme may be approached from a particular or, preferably, interdisciplinary social science perspective. Issues normally consist of an introductory review article (approximately 5-7,000 words) and 5-7 articles (approximately 6,000-8,000 words). Each issue is normally overseen by a special guest editor. The title of the thematic issue and the name of the guest editor(s) are printed on the front cover. All papers in each of the thematic issues are subject to peer review and benefit from comments and editorial guidance from the guest editor and the CFPJ editor.

Thematic issues should address the aims and scope of CFPJ by exploring issues of importance to Canada. The Journal welcomes original submissions that review issues on the state of the field. The Journal’s goal is give our readers research and commentary on Canada’s place in the world. Key themes include the history of Canada in international affairs, the policy process, changing global priorities, Canada-US relations, development, trade and security, and emerging trends in health, the environment, and the new diplomacy. Over the next several years we will examine linkages both internal, such as domestic and provincial politics, and external, including Canada’s relationship with multilateral and regional organizations. The varied sources of policy including domestic politics, paradiplomacy and diasporas are also considered. Contributions are drawn from Canada and around the world. Essays are fully referenced, peer-reviewed, authoritative yet written for the specialist and non-specialist alike. Our readers include government officials, academics, students of international affairs, journalists, NGOs, and the private sector.

1. How to Submit a Proposal for a Thematic Issue

All thematic issues must receive initial approval from the Editor before papers are submitted. The first step is to submit a formal proposal, addressed to the Editors at

Proposals should be approximately 3-4 pages in length and address each of the following criteria:

1) The title of the proposed thematic issue
2) Statement of the subject to be explored
3) Statement on the significance of this area to international affairs
4) Statement on the rationale for the proposed Journal issue.
5) A list of the proposed articles with abstracts
6) A list of the names of potential contributors
7) An outline timetable (see the Editorial Procedure below)

Upon approval of the proposal by the Editor, the Managing editor will liaise with the Guest Editor.

2. Acceptance of the Proposal for a Thematic Issue

Thematic issues are decided on periodically by the Editor. Upon approval of the proposal for a thematic issue, the Managing Editor, Editor and Guest Editor will set in place a time-line for the submission of draft papers. The Editor and Managing Editor are also responsible for the administration of the peer review process and the communication of recommendations of peer reviewers to the Guest Editor.

3. The Peer Review Process and Editorial Procedure

The following procedures apply in respect of the peer review process:

After approval of the proposal for a thematic issue, the Guest Editor invites contributions and obtains papers of sufficient quality to support peer review.

Prior to the formal peer review, the Guest Editor is responsible for providing detailed editorial comments on each paper, and can add additional papers or reject those which are inappropriate (in quality and scope) for the thematic issue.

When satisfied with the quality and coverage of each paper, the Guest Editor forwards the entire issue to the Editor along with any suggestions they may have for referees.

The Editor then conducts at least two blind independent peer reviews of the entire issue. Upon completion of the peer review process, recommendations and comments are returned by the Editor to the Guest Editor. If the reviews are positive, the Editor will provide the Guest Editor a submission deadline for delivery of the manuscripts, table of contents, and bibliographic information. The Guest Editor is responsible for communicating with individual article authors, and ensuring that reviewers’ concerns are addressed. Individual papers may be eliminated from the issue at this time.

Upon completion of the requested revisions, the Guest Editor will transmit the entire revised issue along with any additional requested materials to the Editor, including a note detailing the substance of the revisions which have been completed and an explanation of how they have addressed reviewers’ concerns or otherwise improved the individual articles or issue.

Following submission of the revised manuscript, the Editor may accept the issue, ask for additional revisions, or submit all or any part of the issue for further review and subsequent rerevision.

4. Role of the Guest Editor

The Guest Editor is responsible for the following:

♦ Inviting contributions and liaising with the Managing Editor
♦ Coordination of the thematic issue
♦ Communicating to prospective contributors that being invited to submit a paper is not a guarantee of its publication.
♦ Formulating a timetable with the Editor.
♦ Advising the Editor of suitable referees for specific papers.
♦ Preparing the introductory review article for the thematic issue
♦ Providing detailed editorial comments on each paper and rejecting those that are inappropriate.
♦ Securing requested revisions of articles from authors and re-submitting revised and final versions of papers to the Editor.
♦ Ensuing that the manuscripts have not been published elsewhere.

5. Role of the Editor and the Managing Editor

The Managing Editor in consultation with the Editor is responsible for the following:

♦ Formulating a timetable with the Guest Editor.
♦ Arranging the peer review of each proposed paper in the issue
♦ Negotiating revisions with Guest Editors
♦ Forwarding reviewers’ comments and recommendations to the Guest Editor
♦ Setting deadlines for receipt of revisions.
♦ Deciding on the suitability of individual papers for publication.

Promotion and Ordering of Copies

The Publisher is always interested to hear of any meetings of societies or research groups which are relevant to the theme of a Special Issue and occasionally it may be possible to arrange for promotional leaflets to be sent to such meetings. Please note that the Journal does not routinely generate flyers for thematic issues nor does it print extra copies of all Special Issues.

Guest Editors, organizations, and institutions wishing to reserve copies are urged to CFPJ at the earliest opportunity after the thematic issue has been formally accepted by the Editor.

Any queries relating to offprints or promotion/ordering of copies should be referred to: