Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (CFPJ) has released its newest issue: Volume 21,Issue 2.

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iAffairs Canada is pleased to announce that we will be working closely with CFPJ to promote debate and discussion of its latest issue here on our website.  We are inviting readers to contribute reviews, critiques, and/or blogs related to the articles and we will also be presenting other works of some of the authors in this issue.

The latest issue of CFPJ covers a breadth of ground including: Arctic sovereignty, gender and Canadian foreign policy, corporate social responsibility, and more. iAffairs Canada is highlighting the work of Rebecca Tiessen & Krystal Carrier for the piece titled: ‘The erasure of “gender” in Canadian foreign policy under the Harper Conservatives: the significance of the discursive shift from “gender equality” to “equality between women and men.”‘ Stay tuned for an interview iAffairs Canada will be doing with Rebecca Tiessen on this piece.
For access to the issue, click here.

For access to the highlighted piece, click here.

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