After formally withdrawing the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free-trade deal, following one of his campaign promises, President Trump told reporters that discussions about renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) will begin “at the appropriate time.” What does rising US protectionism mean for Canada’s future trade relationship with the US? What is on the table and should Canada be concerned? How strong is Canada’s bargaining position? On these and other questions, Katarina Koleva talked to Dr. Meredith Lilly, Simon Reisman Chair in International Affairs and Associate Professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University.
Dr. Lilly is an award-winning researcher and public policy expert. She has served as Foreign Affairs and International Trade Advisor to Canada’s Prime Minister and has extensive experience in free-trade negotiations and international trade, public policy development, executive branch decision making, international security matters, and Canada-US relations. In 2014, she was listed among the Top 100 people influencing Canadian foreign policy by Power and Influence Magazine.
The Future of Canada-US Relations
Canada’s Bargaining Position over NAFTA
The Challenges of Trade Negotiations