On October 24, 2022 iAffairs Canada, in partnership with the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs and Canada-China Focus, hosted Hardtalk: Canada and the Asia Pacific Conference.

This one-day, in person conference brought together a diversity of voices seeking an independent foreign policy for Canada, one that is inclusive, identifies actual risks and challenges, and considers innovative agendas for peace and justice in Asia Pacific.

Areas covered include, but were not limited to, Canada-China relations, anti-asian racism, Canada’s Indo-pacific strategy, rethinking Canadian foreign policy, and evaluating Canada’s past and probable future approaches to its relations with Asia Pacific nations.

A recording of this timely conference can be found below:

Table of Contents

0:00 – Words of Welcome

Speakers: Yanling Wang, Senator Yeun Pau Woo

18:22 – Panel: China-Canada Relations and Anti-Asian Racism

Speakers: Lin Cai, Ke Wu, Henry Yu
Moderator: Xiaobei Chen

1:53:11 – Key Note: “China – What it is and What it Might be”

Key Note: Gar Pardy

2:56:00 – Round Table: The “Indo-Pacific Strategy”

Speakers: Margaret Cornish, Carlo Dade, Stuart Trew
Moderator: David Carment

4:26:50 – Panel: Rethinking Canadian Foreign Policy

Speakers: Howard E. Grant, Bianca Mugyenyi
Moderator: John Price

5:52:30 – Closing Remarks: “Canada and the Asia Pacific or Indo Pacific – Looking Back, Looking Forward”

Speaker: Gregory T. Chin

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