Every year, Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) hosts a contest where SSHRC-funded scholars compete to explain their thesis in 3-minutes. The goal is to inspire an audience with a research story and highlight how SSHRC funded research is making a difference in the lives of Canadians.

This year, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs Ph. D student Marshall Palmer has been selected as one of the twenty-five finalists for the SSHRC Storytellers Challenge. In the video below, he discusses John F. Kennedy’s intervention in the 1962 and 1963 Canadian federal elections. Using several case studies, Palmer’s research seeks to understand how electoral intervention has worked in the past, and how it might work – or fail – in the future.

Submissions from other finalists can be found here.

Anthony Dionne iAffairs Canada

Photo Credit: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

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