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From the iAffairs archives: Episode 62 of Policy Talks (“Current State of Affairs: The Role of Political Corruption in the Russia-Ukraine War”)

In acknowledgement of the two years since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, iAffairs invites you to re-visit episode 62 of Policy Talks recorded in March 2023, where guest Oksana Huss discussed the state of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the presence of political corruption, and the role of local authorities, open governance, and political organizations in this crisis.
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How Must Agriculture at the Local and Global Levels Change if the World is to Feed Itself in 2050?

The world population is only expected to increase exponentially by the year of 2050, which means that we must dramatically increase our global food supply. Through technological innovation, enhanced communication channels, and a revitalized rural sector, we can meet the nutritional demands of the world population by the mid-century. The question is, will politicians mobilize quickly enough to make this a reality?