Geoffrey Hale of the University of Lethbridge is the winner of the CFPJ Best Paper Prize.

David Carment, editor of the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (CFPJ), announced that Geoffrey Hale has won the 2020 CFPJ Best Paper Prize for his peer reviewed article, “Capacity and conditions for choice: managing Canada’s international economic policy relations in an unstable world,” appearing in Volume 26, Issue 3.

The article is available for free on the CFPJ website and its affiliate policy website, iAffairs Canada.

The prize is awarded annually for the best article published in the CFPJ. Each refereed contribution is eligible for consideration. Members of the CFPJ’s editorial and international advisory board judge the articles based on scholarship, contribution to knowledge and debate, writing style and audience accessibility.

The award carries a $500 prize. Past winners include, Thomas Juneau, Greg Anderson, Stephen Brown, Emma Ashford, Erica Chenoweth and Laura Dugan, Christian Leuprecht, Michael Urban, Stéphane Roussel, Daryl Copeland, Kim Nossal, Susan Henders and Mary Young and David Gordon.

About the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal

The CFPJ is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published three times a year by the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton University. Established in 1992, the CFPJ is Canada’s leading journal of international affairs. The journal’s international advisory and editorial boards reflect diverse political, disciplinary and professional perspectives. Contributors are drawn from Canada and around the world. Essays are fully referenced, peer-reviewed, authoritative yet written for the specialist and non-specialist alike.  Its readers include government officials, academics, students of international affairs, journalists, NGOs and the private sector.

Details regarding submitting articles commentaries and review essays to the Journal can be found here.

About the author:

Geoffrey Hale is Professor of Political Science at the University of Lethbridge. His research spans issues from North American integration and Canada’s international economic relations to their interactions with domestic policies and politics, regulatory cooperation, and the workings of Canadian federalism. He is author or co-editor of seven books, most recently Navigating a Changing World: Canada’s International Policies in an Age of Uncertainties (with Greg Anderson, University of Toronto Press,  April 2021), and Canada’s Fluid Borders: Trade, Investment, Travel, Migration (with Greg Anderson, University of Ottawa Press, January 2021), and numerous article. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Western Ontario.

For more information:
David Carment
Editor, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal
Professor, NPSIA, Carleton University

Media Contact
Steven Reid
Media Relations Officer
Carleton University
613-520-2600, ext. 8718

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