Kari Roberts of Mount Royal University and Susan Henders of York University are co-winners of CFPJ’s Best Paper Prize.
David Carment, editor of the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (CFPJ), announced that Kari Roberts and Susan Henders have won the 2021 CFPJ Best Paper Prize for their articles, respectively “Understanding Russia’s Security Priorities in the Arctic: Why Canada-Russia Cooperation Is Still Possible” appearing in Volume 27, Issue 2 and “People Acting across Borders and Canadian Foreign Policy: A Systemist Analysis” appearing in Volume 27, Issue 3.
Both articles are available on the CFPJ website at: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcfp20/current
The prize is awarded annually for the best article published in the CFPJ. Each refereed contribution is eligible for consideration and members of CFPJ’s editorial and international advisory board judge the articles based on scholarship, contribution to knowledge and debate, writing style and audience accessibility. The results this year were so close the committee decided to recognise both authors as winners.
The award carries a $500 prize. Past winners include, Geoffrey Hale, Greg Anderson, Thomas Juneau, Stephen Brown, Emma Ashford, Erica Chenoweth, Laura Dugan, Christian Leuprecht, Michael Urban, Stéphane Roussel, Daryl Copeland, Kim Nossal, Susan Henders, Mary Young, and David Gordon.
About the Winners
Susan J. Henders is Associate Professor of Politics at York University in Toronto. Her research focuses on the diplomacies of non-state actors linked with Canada as well as on the international and domestic dimensions of territorial autonomy arrangements in culturally regionalized states. Her work on ‘other diplomacies’ and the making of Asian-Canadian relations, co-authored with Mary M. Young, has been published in the Hague Journal of Diplomacy and Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. The latter article won the 2012 Molot Prize for Best Article. She has also published articles on the other diplomacies of Canadians living in Hong Kong.Among her books are Territoriality, Asymmetry and Autonomy: Catalonia, Corsica, Hong Kong, and Tibet as well as Human Rights and the Arts: Essays on Global Asia, the latter co-edited with Lily Cho. Henders is a former director of the York Centre for Asian Research and has also served as director of the Graduate Program in Political Science at York University.
Kari Roberts, PhD, is Associate Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Department of Economics, Justice, and Policy Studies at Mount Royal University (MRU) in Calgary. Dr. Roberts’ research concerns Russian foreign policy toward the United States specifically and the West more broadly. She is interested in the influences of structure and agency on foreign policy making in Russia, notably the powerful presidency as an institution, but also Putin himself, and how his aspirations for Russian power on the world stage influence relations with the United States primarily, but also Russia’s interests in the Arctic, and by extension, its relations with Canada. As MRU is a teaching focused institution, Dr. Roberts teaches undergraduate courses in international relations, comparative politics, and policy studies, and has long been a faculty advisor for MRU’s participation in Model UN activities.
About the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal
CFPJ is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published three times a year by the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton University. Established in 1992, CFPJ is now Canada’s leading journal of international affairs. The journal’s international advisory and editorial boards reflect diverse political, disciplinary, and professional perspectives. Contributors are drawn from Canada and around the world. Essays are fully referenced, peer-reviewed, authoritative yet written for the specialist and non-specialist alike. Its readers include government officials, academics, students of international affairs, journalists, NGOs, and the private sector. Details regarding submitting articles commentaries and review essays to the Journal can be found here: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcfp20/current
For more information:
David Carment
Editor, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal
Professor, NPSIA, Carleton University