Check out Part One of our Three-Part Series on the Canada-India Centre’s Diaspora Workshop, which took place on May 5-6, 2014 at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.
Raj Narula is President and co-founder of TaraSpan Inc. He has steered many of his clients to significantly increase their India footprint and revenue over the past 6 years within India and surrounding markets. The group has grown from 3 people in December 2007 to over 100 people today working with Global Technology companies for the India market.
Raj is formerly CEO and co-founder of TenXc Wireless, a company developing intelligent antenna systems for the GSM market. He is a serial entrepreneur and has been an active angel investor with investments in eLearning, Web Portals, Security and IT companies and is a co-founder and Charter Member of the Ottawa Chapter of TiE (the Indus Entrepreneur). Raj holds a B.Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada in 1980. He is also a graduate of the Ottawa Technical High School and Algonquin College.