Pages-from-RCFP-20_1-COVER1Carleton’s David Carment, Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute (CDFAI) fellow, professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) and editor of the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (CFPJ) is pleased to announce the release of issue No. 1 of Volume 20.
This edition is a special all-French review of Stephen Harper’s foreign policy titled: Un monde finit, un autre commence? La politique étrangère de Stephen Harper.
“Our readers will be pleased with the quality and breadth of the contributions in this issue,” said Carment. “Each of them have been carefully selected and peer reviewed. They represent some of the best thinking on the subject from Quebec universities and beyond.”
The articles in this special issued edited by Stephane Roussel of l’École Nationale d’Administration Publique (ENAP) and David Morin of Sherbrooke University examine everything from Harper’s approach to the wars in Iraq and Libya, to changes in development assistance, human rights and Latin America. Continentalism, the Nexen affair, France-Canada relations and federal-provincial relations are also considered.

“What makes these reviews exciting is the overwhelming response we received from academics and practitioners from Canada and abroad to contribute to our call for assessments of Harper’s foreign policy,” said Carment. ”As a result, we will be publishing a second issue later this summer also assessing Harper’s foreign policy agenda.”

CFPJ is published by NPSIA at Carleton University and is now in its 21st year of publication.
Click here to read the new issue.


This bulletin first appeared in the Carleton Newsroom.

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